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CTE - Center for Teaching Excellence: Faculty Development Library

Faculty Development Library

As part of our mission to employ, develop, and retain high quality faculty, CSU-Global provides faculty training and professional development opportunities designed to strengthen instructional quality and to cultivate a community of faculty who are regionally and nationally recognized as experts in the field of online education.

Presentations from both faculty and external contributors offer information and insights regarding various student, faculty, and University resources. These are open resources, but you will need to use your email for access. Faculty are encouraged to complete one development opportunity per academic year (July-June) to remain in good standing.

Faculty Development Opportunities


A Sense of Belonging: Presentation by Dr. Terrell Strayhorn
Dr. Terrell Strayhorn is one of the leading experts on college student success, issues of equity/diversity, and creating a sense of belonging and connection in online spaces. He is Professor of Education in the Evelyn Reid Syphax School of Education at Virginia Union University, where he also serves as Associate Provost & Director of the Center for the Study of HBCUs. Author of 10 books and over 200 scholarly publications, Strayhorn’s research commitments center on issues of equity, racial justice, and social psychological determinants of student success. He serves on the national research advisory board for Children’s Defense Fund’s Freedom Schools, subject editor for Social Sciences & Humanities, and contributes to Thrive Global, Diverse Issues, and The Tennessean.

CSU Global Library Databases by Subject
Access library databases including video databases by subject.

CSU Global Library Database Permalink Guide
Learn how to link database articles in your courses with this easy tutorial by presented by database.

Discovering Your Teaching Style with Dr. Al Infande
Each of us has our own unique style of teaching. We review various teaching styles and offer strategies to help you identify, understand, and use your teaching style to your advantage.

Dealing with Difficult Students with Dr. Al Infande
Difficult students can be challenging; they can take time and attention away from other students in the course and create additional problems for you as an instructor. In this presentation, we look at various instances and issues and offer practical and effective solutions to help you manage these challenges

Espyr Online Webinars
Espyr offers a broad range of both personal and professional development presentations. These webinars are informative and provide a certificate after viewing to submit for faculty development credit. To view the webinars:

  • Go to at and log in with the password: CSUGlobal
  • Click the orange box Webinar – and then click on Archived Webinars

Improving Student Retention with Dr. Al Infande
Faculty stand at the forefront of student retention. Your actions and activities can significantly increase students’ completion of their courses and academic goals. In this seminar, we look at simple ways that you have a positive impact on student retention.

Kolb's Principles of Adult Learning, Part I
The concept of adult learning is vast and very interesting. This seminar looks at adult learning theory, critical components of adult learning, and various learner types. This is part one of two parts on this topic.

Kolbs' Principles of Adult Learning, Part II
In this seminar, we look at some eye-opening facts about learning styles in general, traditional learning styles, and David Kolb's Adult Learning Styles of Observers, Feelers, Thinkers, and Doers. Discover what your own style is and learn to identify other's styles.

Library How to Videos
Our Librarian has created various ‘how to videos’ on various topics. Take some time to review each of the tabs and tutorials under these headings.

LinkedIn Learning Guide
Search by skills, subjects, or software to access video resources.

Managing Low Enrollment Course
Low enrollment courses can present unique challenges for instructors with few students to interact with on the discussion board and the potential for limited engagement and interaction.This video presents some ideas for how to handle this effectively.

Meet Gen Z; the First AI Natives
Join Dr. Ryan Cameron as he discusses the key norms, values and behavioral traits of Gen Z. The presentation includes information about how Gen Z approaches work/careers, how AI has influenced Gen Z’s expectations for learning, how to reach Gen-Z in online courses, and more.

Muzzy Lane
CSU-Global now has multiple courses utilizing the gamification tool Muzzy Lane. Students play through industry-based scenarios tailored to course learning outcomes while getting points for correct decisions made and also receiving outcome based feedback throughout the simulation. This modern experiential learning experience can be tailored around any program/outcome, integrates with the LMS for graded assignments, and is WCAG 2.0 compliant.

OER Basics
Open Educational Resources include quizzes, syllabi, instructional modules, articles, and other educational materials that are available to reuse, adapt, and share free of charge. This page provides information about where to find these and links to OER LibGuides by subject.

Preventing Plagiarism with Dr. Al Infande
This presentation reviews what constitutes plagiarism, statistics and how to identify plagiarism by students, reporting alerts, and steps CSU Global is taking to authentic student identities.

Qualities of an Effective Online Instructor
Teaching in the online environment requires unique skills and instructor engagement with students. This seminar reviews research on what students need from their instructors and the actions that instructors should take to create a successful and engaging teaching and learning exchange in the course.

Online Tutoring
CSU-Global provides all students with access to online tutoring. Students can access this service through their portals and their courses. The broad range of services and support are presented and reviewed in this seminar.

Time Management with Dr. Al Infande
Effective time management is an issue that we all face; personally and professionally. Join Dr. Al Infande as he reviews the reasons for poor time management and strategies to help you use your time more efficiently and effectively.

CSU Global Writing Center