When requesting a desk copy from the publisher, please include your course information and home address. Do not have materials sent to CSU Global offices. See the listings below for instructions regarding how to order desk copies from specific textbook publishers.
In addition to or instead of acquiring hard-copy textbooks, CSU-Global recommends you use a web-based service, Vital Source, to search for and obtain electronic access to many textbooks. Go to their site to create an account or log in to access your current titles and/or request new titles. After requesting access to a Vital Source textbook, you will have immediate access to 30 pages of the book and a request is sent to the publisher's representative, who will approve full access (which typically happens in one day to one week).
Search for titles and textbook information at https://www.cengage.com/. Order desk or exam copies by calling Cengage Customer Service at 1-800-354-9706 or create an account with Cengage using your CSU-Global email address. The full process is detailed on the Cengage website.
Search for titles and textbooks information at https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals. Information on desk copies can be found at https://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/7203/supporthub/ecommerce/. To order a desk or exam copy, send an email to textbook@elsevier.com .
Dawn Walker
Email: D.Walker@elsevier.com
Flatworld Knowledge publishes open-source college textbooks that provide titles in a rapidly increasing range of disciplines. Many titles are available via the company's online readers for a minimal download PDF or hard copy fee.
Search for titles and textbooks information at https://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/ and click the Educators link at the top right. Exam or desk copies can be searched by title or ISBN. Then, click the link to Request a Review Copy or Read This Book Online.
Search for titles and textbooks at http://www.jblearning.com/. Order a desk or exam copy via Jamie McCue at JMcCue@jblearning.com .
Search for titles and textbooks at https://www.mheducation.com/home.html#. Order desk or exam copies by emailing Brett Miller at brett.miller@mheducation.com .
Search for titles and textbooks at https://global.oup.com/ushe/?cc=us&lang=en&#disciplines. Order desk or exam copies by following the instructions on the Desk Copy page. You can also email higher.education@oup.com .
Search for titles and textbooks at https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/customers/educators.html. For titles in the English discipline, request a desk copy directly from the Pearson higher education website. For desk or exam copies in the Business and Computer Science disciplines, email Erin.Daubenmire@pearson.com. You may also call Pearson Customer Service at 1-800-922-0579 or visit www.pearsonhighered.com.
Search for titles and textbooks at https://www.routledge.com/ or https://www.crcpress.com/. Order a desk or exam copy by filling out a form at https://www.routledge.com/resources/deskcopy or call the Routledge customer service line at 1-800-634-7064.
Search for titles and textbooks at https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/home.Order desk or exam copies by emailing Nancy Dennis at nancy.dennis@sagepub.com
Search for titles and textbooks at https://www.wiley.com/en-us/instructors. Order a desk or exam copy via ccopy@wiley.com, cc sscteam@wiley.com,. Or call 1-800-225-5945.
Email customerservice@theinstitutes.org
Order desk or exam copies, visit the individual book page at http://www.amacombooks.org/index.cfm and submit your request via the form (link provided on each book page).
Request desk copies at the end of the page http://forms.apa.org/bookeval/index.cfm. Phone: 800-374-2721 or fax 202-336-4402 on CSU-Global letterhead
Request desk copies via a form at https://www.randomhouseacademic.com/desk-exam-copy or fax 212-572-2662 on CSU-Global letterhead
Publisher requires shipping paid for desk copy requests to be paid by the requester. Phone: 800-933-2733#2 or Fax 703-575-5400 on CSU-Global letterhead
Find textbook information on the website at https://www.bvtpublishing.com/books and request the exam copy through an online form. Phone: 800-646-7782
Phone: 800-368-6868; Email: customerservice@abc-clio.com; www.greenwood.com
Phone: 800-545-7685; Fax: 617-783-7555; Account # 2301512
Email, mail, or fax your request to Attn: Desk Copy Request Health Administration Press, 1 North Franklin Street Ste 1700, Chicago, IL 60606-3529 Fax: 312-424-0014; Email hapbooks@ache.org http://www.ache.org/pubs/classroom/deskcopyregu.cfm
Phone: 800-245-7894 Desk copy: https://www.heraldpress.com/faq/
IAP does not give out desk copies/exam copies, their policy is that an instructor must purchase the first copy at 50% off the list price. When they receive a paid order of 10 or more copies, IAP will refund an instructor's initial order. To place this discounted order, please feel free to contact the customer service department at 704-752-9125 option 2.
Phone: 800-246-78648; Fas 541-302-3778 on CSU-Global letterhead; Include contact number. There is a $5 shipping fee that needs pre-payment.
Email academic@macmillian.com or visit the website: https://us.macmillan.com/tradebooksforcourses/book-order?uri=forms/book-order
Email: mccutchanpublish@sbcglobal.net
Email Stephanie Nichols at snichols@mcfarlandpub.com; Phone: 336-246-4460
Desk copies can be requested from https://www.alastore.ala.org/desk-review-copies Norton, W.W. Email mdudley@wwnorton.com. Search for titles and textbooks information below:
Email pmideskcopy@pmi.org the information found on the web form at https://www.pmi.org/help-marketplace/desk-copy-request
Fill out this form http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/requests/deskform.html or fax 212-572-2662 on CSU-Global letterhead.
Phone: 800-462-6420; Fax: 800-338-4550 on CSU-Global letterhead
Fill out this form: http://www.springerpub.com/instructors#.UTZBBTDMCbU; Phone: 877-687-7476
Email: orders@solution-tree.com
Phone: 800-223-2336; Fax 800-943-9831 attn: Customer Operations on CSU-Global letterhead
Request an exam or desk copy from University of Chicago Press, Chicago Distribution Center, 11030 South Langley Ave, Chicago, IL 60628; Fax 800-621-8476 or 773-702-7212
Fill out the form at http://www.press.umich.edu/deskform; email shaunman@umich.edu; or fax 734-615-1540
Mail or fax requests to Attn: Sales Department, 310 Flanner Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556; Fax: 574-631-4410
Visit individual book pages at https://www.perseusacademic.com/ and submit your request via the form link provided on each book page.
Search at https://us.macmillan.com/. Email brendan.baruth@macmillan.com or Phone: 303-522-6961