Read the following articles:
Coffee, P. (2015). Adweek, 56(31), 7.
Gander P. (2015). Linking food and drink packs to social media. Food Manufacture, 47.
Saeuberlich, C. (2015). Retailers should adjust strategy in light of new technology. Chain Drug Review, 37(13), 34-37.
Peer-reviewed articles go through a very specific type of process in order to be published. Use one of the following databases to locate a peer-reviewed article:
Hint: the recommended databases all index a combination of professional/trade and peer-reviewed articles. In EBSCO databases, select Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals from the left-hand side of the screen. In ProQuest databases, choose the Peer-Reviewed radio button.
Use the following terms (or combinations of these terms) as part of your search strategy: