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Library Database Permalink Guide: O'Reilly

O'Reilly Linking Process

O'Reilly is a great database but it has an unusual process for linking to its resources.

This is the base URL that you'll use to build O'Reilly links.^u

You will copy specific title information from O'Reilly items' URLs and paste that in between the slashes in the base URL between  and  /?ar?email=^u

So, if the URL for an individual title in O'Reilly looks like this,

You would copy out this portion of the URL,


And you would paste it into the base URL between the slashes between the "view" and the "?", like this.^u

So, in the URL you see in the address bar, copy out everything after and paste it between those slashes in the base URL.

The video and document below will illustrate how to do this.

O'Reilly Linking Process Illustrated

Video showing this process