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Writing Center APA Resources: APA Resources

APA Resources

Introduction to APA: APA stands for the American Psychological Association, and it is the formatting and citation style typically used by students when writing research reports.APA In-Text Citation: This section provides examples of how to use in-text citations within the body of your essay. APA References: Source Types - Before you find the appropriate template, you must know what type of source you have.APA References: Textual Works: Textual works include written and text-based sources, both in print and online.APA References: Audiovisual Media: Audiovisual works have either audio or visual media components, or both.APA References: Online Media - Intended to provide instruction on how to create references for online sources such as social media.APA Resources Artificial IntelligenceAPA References: Data Sets, Software, & Tests: This group includes data sets; computer software; and mobile apps, apparatuses, and equipment.APA Tables, Figures, & Math: These samples, rules, and templates include general guidelines for writing.Bluebook Legal CitatrionsAPA Paper Formatting: Guidelines for papers, title pages, abstracts, appendices, and reference pages.APA Video Tutorials: These video tutorials will help you get started with APA7 and writing processes.