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Writing Center Writing Tutorials: Writing Tutorials

Writing Tutorials

Idea Development and Generation

Decipher An Assignment: Before you start writing, it’s important to make sure that you understand the assignment requirements.Explore A Topic: Selecting a topic will help you narrow down what to research.Planning Your Assignment: Planning your draft can save you time during the writing process.

Organization and Structure

Creating A Thesis Statement: This resource will explain how to create a thesis statement for your paper.Introductions and Conclusions: This resource will help you develop a sound structure to your assignment.Paragraph Structure: This resource explains how to structure paragraphs in order to support and develop an academic argument.Transitions: This resource provides an overview of words and phrases that can help you signal a transition in your paper.

Finding Sources

Find Articles: Articles are available through a number of library databases. This tutorial covers searching for articles and developing search strategies for your topics.Choosing a Topic: Sometimes the most difficult aspect of writing a paper is choosing a topic that will be appropriate. These videos will help you with this task.

Critical Thinking and Source Usage

Read: Before you start writing, it’s important to make sure that you understand the assignment requirements.Evaluate: Evaluating sources of information is an important step before using them for research.Source Usage: When developing an argument, it’s important to think about how your thesis statement is supported by claims and evidence from sources.Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing is a precise restatement of a short passage of text into your own words and writing style. Even though paraphrased material should be written in your own words, it must always be cited to indicate that the ideas are from an outside source.

Revision, Grammar, and Style

Revise: In this section, you’ll find resources focused on helping you review and revise your essay.Follow Rules and Guidelines: Academic writing refers to a style of expression researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines.Common Writing Mistakes: Writing mistakes to avoid and tips for success.