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Library Videos: Choosing Search Terms

Choosing Search Terms

Library subscription databases rely on search terms to retrieve results and oftentimes your searches in the databases will be different from searches on the web. This tutorial will cover a basic example of how to turn a tentative focus or thesis statement into a search statement for database searching.


See our "Choosing Search Terms" Printable Guide


Selecting Keywords

Create a list of keywords in order to conduct more efficient searches. This should lead to more relevant information on your topic:





  •   Search for key terms or phrases rather than complete sentences.
  •   Omit minor words such as articles, adjectives, prepositional phrases, or verbs.
  •   Think of synonyms for keywords or concepts.
  •   Look for database-generated terms that relate to your keywords to further refine or expand your search focus.


Connecting Keywords

Use Boolean operators and other search query modifiers to connect keywords:




  •   AND: Use AND to narrow searches. This technique will display records with all terms connected by AND.
    ex: Bears AND Beets AND Battlestar Galactica
  •   OR: Use OR to broaden searches by connecting two or more synonyms.ex: Soda OR Pepsi OR Coke
  •   NOT: Use NOT to exclude terms from your search results.ex: Pets NOT Cats NOT Fish


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