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Writing Center Writing Consultations: Writing Consultations

Writing Consultations

The CSU Global Writing Center offers 50-minute, one-on-one consultations with Writing Consultants, who are also teaching faculty, via WCOnline. During these consultations, students can receive feedback and support on a variety of issues through video, audio, or chat.

Make an appointment

How to Schedule an Appointment

  1. Visit WCOnline to register your account and make appointments with CSU Global Writing Consultants.
  2. After you’ve logged into the scheduler, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate schedule. If you want to meet with a consultant one on one, select the Live Appointments option. If you want a consultant to review your document and send you feedback, select the Drop Box option.
  3. After you’ve selected the appropriate dropdown menu, make sure that you are viewing the correct week and day/date. You can navigate to other days/weeks by using either the overhead calendars or the Next Week/Prev Week buttons.
  4. If you prefer a specific consultant, find the consultant’s name on the left-hand side and click a white box that corresponds with both the consultant and your desired appointment time. If you have no consultant preference, simply click a white box under your desired appointment time.

Trouble Logging In

Resetting your password in WCOnline will lock you out of the Writing Center, so please do not use WCOnline to reset your password. To break the portal loop, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Open a new tab and navigate to:
  3. On the left-hand side menu, click Writing Center
  4. Click the card labeled "Writing Consultations"
  5. Click the link "WCOnline"
  6. On the left hand side, immediately above the text to enter an Email Address, click the link "here"

Live Consultations

What to Expect

The CSU Global Writing Center is here to help you become a better writer. While you and your consultant might focus on a specific piece of writing, our goal is to teach the skills that will help you to strengthen your writing abilities and become a more confident and capable writer. In a session at the Writing Center, Writing Consultants can assist you at any stage of the writing process. Here are some of the things we can help you with:

  • Generating, organizing, and developing ideas
  • Argument, analysis, and synthesis
  • Summary, paraphrase, and citation
  • Understanding error patterns
  • Research strategies and source usage
  • Establishing effective proofreading skills

  • CSU Global students may reserve up to two (2) appointments per week.
  • Students can only reserve one-hour appointment blocks. Please note that all sessions start on the hour and are 50 minutes long, regardless of when a student logs in to the session.
  • Students are able to schedule appointments as soon as the next day. For example, up until 11:59 pm MT on Monday, you can schedule an appointment for any available time on Tuesday.
  • Appointments can be scheduled up to 10 days in advance
  • If a student fails to show up for an appointment, it will be marked a no-show.
  • If you need to reschedule, you can cancel or modify your appointment up to 3 hours before the start time of your appointment by logging in to WCOnline. If you do not cancel the appointment and do not attend the session, it will be considered a no-show.
  • If a student is more than 5 minutes late for an appointment, the student will be considered a no-show.
  • After three (3) no-shows, your account will be disabled and you must email the Academic Resources Manager in order to reinstate it.
  • Writing consultants who are teaching courses cannot work with students who are presently enrolled in their courses.
  • Writing consultants cannot work with students to complete PLA or CBE requirements.
Mobile Device Policy

Students must use a computer when attending writing consultations. If a student is using a mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone, the writing consultant will end the session and ask the student to reschedule their consultation.

Prepare For Your Consultation
  • Please bring your assignment prompt to your appointment.
  • Come to your appointment with specific concerns about your draft or your writing in general: are you worried about larger concerns like idea development, essay planning, and organization? Or are you worried about smaller concerns like grammar and APA style?
  • Bring a draft of your paper, thesis statement, outline, or anything else you’d like to work on in the session.
  • Consultants help students become better writers by teaching strategies to draft, revise, edit, proofread, and cite. With that in mind, we cannot “fix” errors, copy edit a draft, define the focus of an essay, or tell the student what to write.
  • If an accommodation is needed, please let the Writing Center know as soon as possible at
  • If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding your writing center consultation, please complete the survey you receive via email after your appointment is complete. You can also contact the Academic Resources Manager at

Go To MyWCOnline

Dropbox Consultations

What to Expect

Drop Box consultations are designed for students who don’t have time to attend a live consultation with a Writing Consultant but would still like feedback on their documents. To use this service, students must schedule an appointment and upload their assignment prompt and draft by the start time of the appointment. Students will receive focused feedback on two (2) issues in their document within 36 hours from the start time of the appointment. We assist writers of all levels and in all disciplines on any type of written work. Here are some things we can help you with:

  • Organizing and developing ideas
  • Argument, analysis, and synthesis
  • Summary, paraphrase, and citation
  • Understanding error patterns
  • Source usage and paraphrasing
  • Establishing effective proofreading skills
  • APA formatting OR in-text citations OR references


  • Students are limited to two (2) Drop Box appointments per week.
  • Students can schedule same-day Drop Box appointments, but appointments must be scheduled at least three (3) hours in advance.
  • Consultants will review up to 20 pages (5000 words) of one document.
  • Feedback will be provided within 24-36 hours of the start time of the appointment.
  • Students are permitted to cancel their appointments up until the start time of the appointment.
  • Students cannot have overlapping appointments for the same document/assignment.
  • Students can only re-submit the same document to the Drop Box for additional feedback if substantial revisions have been made.
  • If a student fails to upload a document prior to the start time of the appointment, it will be marked a no-show.
  • After three (3) no-shows, your account will be disabled and you must email the Academic Resources Manager in order to reinstate it.
  • Writing consultants who are teaching courses cannot work with students who are presently enrolled in their courses.
  • Writing consultants cannot work with students to complete PLA or CBE requirements.

Prepare for Your Drop Box Appointment

  1. Please make sure to upload your assignment information and guidelines to your appointment. This will help your consultant identify and prioritize the most important issues in your document while making sure that you are meeting all the assignment requirements.
  2. In your appointment form, you can indicate the areas you are most concerned about. However, your consultant will provide feedback on the TWO (2) most significant issues in your document, which may or may not include what you identify in your appointment form. Comments will likely focus on a combination of higher-order and lower-order concerns, at the consultant's discretion:
    • Higher-Order Concerns: thesis, argument, analysis, organization, etc.
    • Lower-Order Concerns: grammar, syntax, APA formatting OR in-text citations OR references, etc.
  3. Please note that this is not a copy editing service. For more focused help on sentence-level issues, please make an appointment for our live online tutoring service with writing review services.
  4. Consultants help students become better writers by teaching strategies to draft, revise, edit, proofread, and cite. With that in mind, we cannot “fix” errors, copy edit a draft, define the focus of an essay, or tell the student what to write.
  5. If an accommodation is needed, please let the Writing Center know as soon as possible at
  6. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding your writing center consultation, please complete the survey you receive via email after your appointment is complete. You can also contact the Academic Resources Manager at

How to Attach Files to Your Appointment

  • For your Drop Box appointment, you can either attach a file when scheduling an appointment or you can save the appointment and attach the file later. Please make sure that you attach your file(s) by the start time of your appointment.
  • To attach a file when scheduling an appointment:
    • Scroll down to the bottom of your appointment window.
    • Select “Choose File” to upload a document. You can also name the document in the “Document Title” field.
      • If you are attaching a .PPT presentation, be sure to convert to PDF first. Here are instructions on how to do that and how to include your notes. 
    • Click “Create Appointment.”
  • To attach a file later:
    • In WCOnline, at the top left of the scheduling page, hover over your name.
    • Select “My Appointments.”
    • Choose the appointment where you would like to upload your file. This will open up the appointment in a new window.
    • Scroll down to the bottom of your appointment window.
    • Select “Choose File” to upload a document. You can also name the document in the “Document Title” field.
    • Click “Edit Appointment.”

How to Access Feedback on Your Document

Your Writing Consultant will provide feedback on your document within 36 hours of the start time of your appointment. When your document has been reviewed, you will receive an additional email from The CSU Global Writing Center: This email will indicate that your appointment has been modified. You will then receive additional emails with a summary letter and your document, with feedback, attached. If for any reason these documents are not attached, then you can login to WCOnline, open your appointment, and scroll down to the bottom of the appointment window to retrieve the attached files.